About Us


Next Level Vitality Project of Arizona

Our Next Level Vitality program was designed to be a solution to the complexity and challenges of mental health services and community based programming . Our mission is to create a community based program that serves the community by creating a safe space for growing life to the next level.

Our Vision is a holistic approach to empowerment and self -sufficiency.



The community of excellence plan is an effort to collaborate with community members to create mental, physical and financial healthiness. Our partnership serves as a hub of specialized mental health, research and resources for the community . Each collaborative entity within the community has individual goals and objectives that support the overall mission of the community of excellence plan.

Strategic goals and outcomes of “Community of Excellence Collaboration “ are as follows:

Goal 1

To provide, and promote accessibility to integrative mental health services by providing diverse opportunities, and choices for clients.Objective: The collaboration will open up opportunities for more than one way for community members to receive over all services. This will allow the community to meet clients where they are in life and minimize the challenge of turning clients away due to lack of appropriate insurance.

Goal 2

To promote and create self-sufficiency for individuals, youth and families that produces financial stability , mental and emotional support, medication management, life skills, consistency in services and overall well-being of the community. Objective: The Community of Excellence plan will provide the resources and support that is needed to impact and change the lives of the clients by creating a long term systemic change process for its clients by providing various services that will be consistent.

Goal 3

To meet a broad spectrum of community mental health needs that included a “one Stop Shop Model”.Objective: The collaboration of services is an innovative process for the clients of the community to receive timely services to include; assessments, case management, therapy, life skills classes, socialization, family unification, medication management and education with a strategic plan to improve the overall quality of life of the clients.

Goal 4

To grow and sustain the collaborative partners and develop a community of excellence plan that is effective.Objective: The goal of the “Community of Excellence Collaboration” is to provide a centralized support network for the providers. The administrative staff of the network will supervise, manage and support the collaborative entities within the community to assure quality, integrity and effectiveness.

Our partnership serves as a hub of specialized mental health, research and resources for the community.